
網友評鑑5顆星:SWR WorkingPro 15 200瓦 貝斯音箱
SWR WorkingPro 15 200瓦 貝斯音箱
◎ 15吋喇叭單體
◎ 音箱下方有角可以把音箱稱起角度,適合監聽使用
Massive tone and low-end punch! The workhorse of the WorkingPro combo family, the WorkingPro 15’s 200 watts at 4 ohms delivers seismic punch with crystal clarity, courtesy of its single 15” speaker and piezo tweeter. Add the tilt-back legs and you’ve got an amp that’s great for all kinds of gigs, onstage powered monitoring and studio monitoring. And it’ll fit in your car!

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